Anything you've seen up to this point has been on a development server which has open hacks/cheats/skin modifiers for testing purposes. It's very possible that there is such a button on the dev server/client to quicken the ability to test each profession/skin/armor/weapon/etc. This may also include instant spawning of objects, badguys, weapons, materials and so on. Making it easier to test those as well. On the live version, all that is removed leaving little room for any such hack to take place.
Plain and simple the database for the live server, including the source code varies quite a bit from the release client, this is also true for the world server, chat and so on. There wouldn't be as many built-in limitations on a development server, nor would the database be tied up in account information beyond login/password confirmation.
In many database secure systems, appearance modifying means the design has to be there to provide the checks on authenticity of those changes and sync them with the servers. It's quite possible there is a great deal of coding that must be done for even simple appearance changes to happen legit and could also require some decent sized changes to the database structure, which could cause problems with data loss on an account basis.
Many times changes players request just aren't ones that are worth the time and dangers (of data loss). the more open the system design, the easier it is to spoof or hack.